May 31, 2011

The British Canapes

They served these pretty little things during the royal wedding. I took these pretty photos from CNN's Eatocracy

1. Scottish Salmon Rose on Beetroot Bellini

2.Miniature Watercress and Asparagus Tart

3. Miniature Yorkshire Pudding with Roast Fillet of Beef and Horseradish Mousse

Dubstep your mom

This is a very nasty dubstep mix I put together from some of my favorites. For some reasons, it only works with Firefox.

First Post

Awkward First Post.

Don't really know what to say. Basically I have another blog, but the content is too juicy for the public to read so I have to rely on this one for my act. It will take a while till I finally customize the blog to my own liking, but this is a start.

Graduated with a degree in biochemistry. What to do next? Blog, of course!

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